
Drongo became slang insult, used by my male parent's fellow recalcitrant 1940s RAAF as stupid person.
Like almost everything else in Australia, opposite is truth. Correct use since 1841 globally from Madagascar. Drongo is dark feathered bird [not unlike suit wearing parliamentarians] they're artfully deceptive calculating the best time to - mimic distress calls - of many other bird species, in order to effect theft of food or nest of the other bird [not unlike our political Party aligned parliamentarians.]
Parliament Drongos mimic round table democracy in parliament, their actions outside parliament betray them. For example what they did to my white-Australia 1900s indigenous family is not unlike what majority of officials have done to original Australians since their 1700s invasion.
Australia is a Fake-ocracy, that's nothing to be proud of.
If you take an animal out of the wild, they're still wild.
If you vote barbarians into parliament, they're still barbarians.
Election fraud influence voting include banning "knowledge" of political crime like these here, causing persons vote for crime Party.
Long story Click here short story read on.
How do Parliament Protect Freemason Pedophiles? TEAM WORK as ostentatiously as possible & Team Work.
I've never felt shame over any of these sex crimes perpetrated by these Australian government officials - nor should any of their targets, their victims expected by the community to feel shame for being a "victim" of any sex crime.
Only shame belongs on shoulders of police department & our elected parliaments, officials who refuse to ensure Australian law is enforced to protect the innocent from predators in their midst.
SHAME is shared by physicians who surgically raped me & other physicians & their health department conspirator terrorists, officials who refuse to acknowledge that surgical rape and illegal implants inside my person to this day in 2025 & since 1991 at least.
SHAME is shared by the publishing & news industry who cover up & refuse to publicly & widely expose this well planned & funded political terrorism in Australia.
SHAME is shared by Court system & lawyers who refuse to assist me make this extensive evidence public and order against its perpetuation.
SHAME is shared by Party Faithful voters who continue to return to our parliaments the predators who are Labor & Liberal Party's along with their running Party's who help them win elections with morally prohibitive preferential votes & that system designed to ensure evil always retains power in Australia's parliaments.
I have no shame for being a victim of crime, nor should anyone else.
Its true it takes a community to raise a child. Also takes that same community to destroy a child's life, as they have mine & lives of every other child victim of Freemason child rape or as witness to such insidious crime against humanity.
They have relentlessly pursued us all & still do into old age to perpetuate their physical tortures with illegal implants & false medical diagnoses to conceal illegal implants for our secret terrorist Government's various political or ideological causes.
"If you don't like our country then leave it" is the mantra of every political terrorist government to their brainwashed supporters to repeat in social media and to my face. Every citizen has the legal obligation to keep their country lawful through the voting system. Leaving instead, or accepting unlawful changes - like Australia Act 1986 - is dereliction of that legal responsibility. There never was a referendum before Australia Act 1986. The 1999 referendum 3 years after Australia Act 1986 refused the changes already illegally made by Australia Act 1986. Australia is a terrorist organization that was proved decades ago by Australia Act 1986 which is the very same era of photos below (1985-1986.)
When someone & their police officer mates, relentlessly mocks & lies about another for anti-pedophile statements - then its more likely than not that, that someone is a pedophile themselves - like SHOOTER in the Whirlpool.net Internet's social media forum "AUSTRALIA SUX !?" 2005-2007 criminally defaming me with blatant lies and perversions of some facts.
This child was extensively drugged & brainwashed to accept being molested by men. Brainwashed by Aubrey FRANCIS, his grandfather and his grandfather's BROTHER FREEMASONS in Nowra NSW which include police officers stationed in Nowra who refused to investigate this man based on my witness testimony & these photos of this man's sex crimes. The told me face-to-face they refused to take me statement because Aubrey FRANCIS was a fellow FREEMASON in Nowra.
When this child was early teen & emotionally vulnerable along with the brainwashing, alcohol & drugs the child was plied with to secure child's co-operation, my male parent illegally obtained copy of this child's birth certificate where I'd intentionally not recorded the name of the child's male parent. My own male parent then said to this child, my first born, "This proved I'm your father." The child believed that for years, too afraid to mention it to me in fear of what my male parent threatened, until finally asking me if it was true when adult. It isn't true but that didn't stop my male parent from saying those lies to his FREEMASON allies in the era when Australia's parliaments had legislated that the children were property of "chattels of" the male parent & the mother had no legal rights. Why I left off the name of the father whom I loved despite this insanity we white-Australians quaintly refer to "the good old days". I didn't tell the true father the child was his, in fact I told him it was someone else's because I didn't trust him. I turned my back on him and kept him out of my life only telling father & son who each were when the child was mid teen.
I'm a reluctant seer. I'd written in my early websites that as a child, I was given copy of the Rumpelstiltskin in Golden Book [spinning straw to gold, in exchange for first born if can't guess his name.] When I saw the book I cried telling my mum this would happen to me when I grow up. I had many dreams that told me I was going to lift a burdon off my family to save all of us. Well dear reader, I can't prove it on my own, but if I were a gambler, I'd wager all I own on the allegation that FREEMASONS secretly funded the TV series, "Once Upon A Time" concept, basing the character Emma on myself and the lies spun about me by FREEMASONS.
Its common knowledge fairy-tales are taken from real-life. Its equally obvious to me as it should be to you, these reinventions of fairy-tales are interwoven with reinventions of more lives than mine. Probably include elements from lives of many other child-rape witnesses to the child crimes perpetrated by this Westminster Army of psychopathically demented FREEMASON & other Party Faithful in parliament & government generally - in our current era of barbarism falsely labelled as "civilized". There are no coincidences in the politics of a secret civil war.
Ask yourself: why do some stories go global & others more significant, get no publicity at all? Prime example is this story https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-31/alfred-impicciatore-faces-trial-over-evil-eight-paedophile-ring/9104530 Its because the global secret Freemason Brotherhood weave their lies using public resources from within Government, creating fake stories (spin doctoring) to criminally (falsely) defame witnesses. When I've gone to police about being raped they always responded with, "Its your word against their's." or "We won't investigate because they'll just deny it." Even when more than one person reported the same rape Campbelltown NSW police still refused to investigate, claiming I "made" the other make false statement, but didn't charge me.
This fake story was started by Prime Minister Bob HAWKE's federal Labor Party parliament in 1984. 1989 it was officially joined by State of New South Wales. Followed in 2006 by State of South Australia where their most recent crime was to illegally cancel my drivers licence based on false documents - because I asked police department in writing to investigate associated medical crimes - this illegal action since 2018 was illegally approved by Transport Minister, Police Minister, and Health Minister & again confirmed by these Three Stooges in 2024. I've tried emailing & phoning lawyers to sue them but I'be been unable to get appropriate responses. Its as if police department have illegally intercepted all my communications, electronic and postal. Their 1%ers motto: Freemasons forever, forever Freemasons BROTHERS IN ARMS. My male parent, Aubrey Bernard FRANCIS was a master Mason when I was mid-teen, he'd been Freemason all my life. I'm his youngest child, only one of his descendants whom his fellow Freemasons failed to permanently manipulate be illegal medical intervention, terrorism. It took all of two government to facilitate these predatory assaults on these (redacted) children during his pedophile active years (1940s to his death in 2018) both g,State & Federal government jurisdictions refused to listen to the child's mother before & after the child had been kidnapped.
State of New South Wales police department refused to investigate the evidence - because they said, the accused is fellow Freemason.
the defamatory context (other than the defamed person) then its proved as defamation. I felt I needed to wait until the children attained around 50 years, because they are still in psychological denial & Australian officials are clearly all sex predators themselves.
Federal Centrelink provided financial support to this child predator by Family Allowance payments, despite that the child was under 15 years old, this predator had secretly arranged to abduct the child from his mother, without any lawful grounds whatsoever.
When the mother took the matter to State Court for restraining order December 1988-January 1989, the magistrate ordered the mother "mediate" with the sex offender - because the accused pleaded to the Camden NSW Magistrate for help as a fellow Freemason. The entire court room full of spectators waiting for their turn gasped, this is why they now have many small court rooms.
In a move often copied by Catholic Church, when mother complained to head of Court system the sex-offender protecting magistrate was relocated and made the Clerk of the Court at Campbelltown NSW.
As direct result the BROTHERS IN ARMS paperback was born criminally (falsely) defaming the mother as *sex offender by stealth, with financial assistance from Centrelink staff who destroyed existing Centrelink records on mother replaced with false documents about identity of the father of all her children, which remain to this day in 2025 despite the mother's efforts & Australian Privacy Act privacy principals since 1988. Global financial aid came from global news industry advertising the financial assistance by more fellow Freemason sex predator supporting publishing families Unwin, Hyman - Allen, Unwin: in Australia; United Kingdom; & United States of America - AUKUS.
Silence is golden for elected terrorists in Australia's many parliaments.
*Tort law defamation, if even only one person is aware of
Real life is not as malleable as fiction. Because of this lifetime of secret ambushes in this secret politically motivated civil war from our elected Australian parliaments - my heart is closed to everyone. There's no such thing as true love when parliaments stand to gain from fake-love. Labor Party's Gareth EVANS & Cheryl KERNOT, the leader of a political party threatening Labor Party & Liberal Party total control in parliament - Ms KERNOT gave up her career as leader for fake-love, defecting to Labor Party then fading into political oblivion - followed by her entire political party. Sorry Cherly, you were probably brainwashed to believe it was true love. They started attacking her publicly on the basis of the actions of her brother. When that failed they came even closer to her heart.
Emotional manipulation of good people (Snow White & her family) is the FREEMASON - LABOR - LIBERAL modus operandi, because they're the evil people (Evil Queen & her evil mother)
You may have seen YouTube videos from psychiatrists or psychologists claiming pedophiles are misunderstood loving people & therefore shouldn't be criminalized.
News Flash people, psychopathy has been criminalized since the Ten Commandments were allegedly published by Christianity's fake-God for his gift to fake-Moses of Christian's Holy Bible, near the chapter God demands people embark on ruthless vendettas to maim those Christians believe wronged them. Any religious text or laws or ideology demanding violent actions against any other is the definition of psychopathic insanity.
- Disclaimer: I have no association whatsoever with "Dr. David Gruder".